Friday, January 23, 2009

WoooShooo Bird....

Well, again, it's all started with a few "warm ups"— speed calligraphy lines.

And then,.. something had just clicked in my head...

Same technique...

Hey there!
Here is the same stuff -- Corel Painter and it's cloning/painting trick. Just couldn't stand it :) This technique is kinda fun. If you use it smart, it'll give you some sort of feeling that you are a real Painter :o) Haha...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Creating a Chalk Underpainting...

Hello Patrick and everyone! As promised, I'll show how to get that effect you can see below at the "Here we are..." post. So, first, you'll need Corel Painter on your computer. Then, visit this link, please, and watch the video named "Creating the Chalk Underpainting". Using this technique and some very basic painting skills, you will get something like this:
Then, what I've done, I created another layer at the very bottom and did one more underpainting using one of the oil brushes. What Painter does, it delivers all these oily bumps through the whole bunch of layers up to the very top one. So here we go:
Hmmm... Not very impressive, eh? :) I did it very fast. It could be done better, sure thing. But, anyways, even this messy underpainting does its' work in this case. So, having these two layers done, you'll get this:
The last touch, if you want to add some fine details quickly. What I did, I just put the original photo image in between, applied a mask on the top Chalk Underpainting layer. I just slightly revealed a few "important" spots.
That's it!

It's fast and pretty fun to do.

Best regards,

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Hi there!
Here's a little update, a couple of sketches I did today.

My son, he has lost his first tooth. And, sure thing, he is very excited about this fact.