I've got a neighbour. He is a very nice guy, a truck driver in the Port of Vancouver. It's always my pleasure to draw a Happy-Birthday funny picture for another friend of mine.
I do love be watching people and their different faces, natures etc..That guy on the left side, I saw him near Burrard Skytrain Station. He just passed by me. It was an early morning, he was sullen a bit and had his fixed stare and overhanging brows. I made this drawing from memory. Then, I made this cartoonish character (below) based on him.
Another characters are: a granny from a bus station and an old gentleman from Melville Str.
Here,.. some characters from Skytrain, streets and the studio as well. I was working on posing for this character. So you've got a fart-jet here. This happens when you get tired with your routine :)
This page with girlish creatures, I was inspiried with my daughters. They are so nice and funny, so curious and energetic. I'd like to work more on these characters.An alien appeared on the page for some reasons. Oh, you know,.. aliens, they're everywhere.
I have my lil' son who inspires me every single day. So I do life drawings as well as some sketches from memory and imagination.
I'm gonna make my second attempt of blogging. The first one is failed because I've been super busy since April and had no chance to keep it updated. Now that, things are getting better and I have a little spare time, I'd rather be posting some of my sketches and some art-reflections.Well, there you go :)
Let's start with this one.
Fortunately, there're a lot of interesting and nice people around me.
Hey Alison! You look a bit serious here, but you're very nice anyway :)
Here is another cool dude :) He's shooting a pile of hand drawn FX-frames per sec, playing the guitar, wearing stylish shirts and driving a shabby cabriolet. So he definitely ROCKs! =========== This is Kat. I'm gonna show you a couple sketches about her. I'd say: "...gothic girls are all in black, serious as heart attack..." Ok, she is always in black and she's adorable. Hey Kat, you do like this word, don't ya? ;)
Well, who's next? Aha... Atilla!
I tell you guys, it seems you can meet a dog (even a few) in every studio.
People at the studio...
This pal is actually smaller than his pencil. Sometimes you can find him wearing a red spider man's hat. So he's kinda Spider Man... or Spider Sized Man, as his girlfriend says. But his name is Ragnar. And I can tell you, RAGNAR-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-Rocks! Yeah! :))
Walter,.. Is there any position of an Animator-BodyGuard available? Let him know :) And Kat once again.