Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Creating a Chalk Underpainting...

Hello Patrick and everyone! As promised, I'll show how to get that effect you can see below at the "Here we are..." post. So, first, you'll need Corel Painter on your computer. Then, visit this link, please, and watch the video named "Creating the Chalk Underpainting". Using this technique and some very basic painting skills, you will get something like this:
Then, what I've done, I created another layer at the very bottom and did one more underpainting using one of the oil brushes. What Painter does, it delivers all these oily bumps through the whole bunch of layers up to the very top one. So here we go:
Hmmm... Not very impressive, eh? :) I did it very fast. It could be done better, sure thing. But, anyways, even this messy underpainting does its' work in this case. So, having these two layers done, you'll get this:
The last touch, if you want to add some fine details quickly. What I did, I just put the original photo image in between, applied a mask on the top Chalk Underpainting layer. I just slightly revealed a few "important" spots.
That's it!

It's fast and pretty fun to do.

Best regards,


Anonymous said...

wow, good blog. It is very good.
see my blog too:

patrick mate said...

corel painter has improve a lot ,I hope they are also more user friendly compare to what they use to be.Thanks Boris

Boris Andreev said...

Yes, Patrick.
It's been improved.
For example, I really like these layout tools, find them useful and friendly in terms of concept art sketching --


Awesome work Boris! this is really amazing.I think I can't do that,wow!Previous post it's very good too. happy new year!

Nastya Cusack said...

Boris, privet!:)
Pozdravlyau s nastupivshim Novim Godom! Udachi i uspexa vo vsem!!

P. S. Mi vernulis' na blogspot, zaglyadivaj :


Nastya Cusack said...


Da poka vse bez izmenenij, freelance est' nemnogo, nu i pitaemsya prorvat'sya v Canadu (poka bezresul'tatno) :) Kak u tebya dela?

justdoodleit said...

Hello Boris! Thanks for visiting my blog. You work is totally awesome. Love your art and inspiring designs for "The Battle for Green Peas Cup". Thanks for sharing your work & thoughts my friend :)