Monday, November 08, 2010

The final piece...

Here's the final (third) illustration I've done for a book of poetry a friend of mine had finished recently. You can see the other two (if you scroll down the page), about Him and Her.

The book is being published currently.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chooka-Pumbra birdy...

Well, long time no posts. 
Sorry, I've been busy.
Here you go... another bird...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some calligraphy practicing...

Black gouache on paper, the actual size is 12'x12'.
It means something like Brotherhood... or?.. Someone help me :)

Spring time!..

Okay, there you go :) But it's not a fresh one.
I did this illustration a few years ago for my Grand Dad's book of poetry he wrote. He did a great job. I drew a few illustrations for the book which is a mix of reflections about Life, War and Love. He has a great life experience. He is 97 years old now and full of human power. Big Heart! God bless him...